Zack & Tasha’s Engagement

Have you ever been given a sentimental gift from a loved one? A friend? A significant other?

I have. And I treasure it. Well, actually I have a few! And I love them. There’s just something about those items that I hold near and dear to my heart. Maybe you can relate, too.

Once upon a time, Tasha gave Zack a knife that she had engraved for him.

And Zack carried his knife with him wherever he went. Even to concerts.

When forced to throw away the knife in order to enter the concert, Zack was devastated. See, to him, that knife meant so much. It was sentimental. It was given to him, specially by his love.

Before the story about the knife comes to a close; you should know that after that concert, Zack DUG THROUGH THE TRASH CAN at the concert to retrieve his knife back..

That, my friends, is some serious dedication. I don’t even want to imagine what he had to dig through in order to get this gift back! But it was worth it.

That’s the end of the knife story; for now. I’m sure the adventures of Zack’s knife may have a part two eventually, but for now it’s done.

It was a reminder to me that sometimes the hard things in life are worth it. Though maybe yucky or messy in the moment, they are worth the yuck, and the mess.

Zack and Tasha were DETERMINED to make their engagement shoot happen on Sunday even though it really rainy! They smiled through the mist, and embraced wet, cold, feet, all to get their engagement pictures done!

It’s clear that Tasha and Zack will do the hard things in life to accomplish their goals; and I love that about them.

From digging through trash cans, to starting a brand-new job, to ensuring their engagement photos got done on Sunday; they will always do the hard things together and encourage each other through it!

Tash and Zack, I can’t wait for your upcoming 2024 wedding!

May your planning and time together leading up to your special day be extra sweet! And may you always remember that doing the hard things in life ARE worth it.

October 30, 2023

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