Lane and Colette’s wedding was held in Richfield PA on September 2, 2023 at eleven o’clock in the morning. September is always a bit of a toss up in Central PA. Sometimes early September can feel like fall, (my favorite season!) and sometimes it can feel like the dead of summer. This September, it felt like the middle of July.

But it was a perfectly hot day for two of the sweetest humans on this planet.

There is something so super special about marriage between two sweet, young, people. I love marriage. I love that God ordained it. I love witnessing the start of a new beginning. And when it’s between a man and a woman who love the Lord, there’s just something extra extra sweet about it.

When I saw Lane the morning of his wedding, he was all smiles. It was so sweet to see how excited he was to marry his bride.

And after spending a few minutes with Colette, I realized that she too, was excited to marry Lane. Colette was one of the calmest brides I have ever been around before that special moment that the two would become one. The morning of a wedding can be chaotic, and typically has some glitches. But, if there were any hiccups, you wouldn’t have known it based off of Colette and the calmness she portrayed.

And then it was time.

The doors swung open, and his bride began to walk down the aisle with her father.

Lane’s face when he saw Colette come through those doors. *insert heart melt here* It would melt anyone’s heart into a big ol’ puddle right on the floor. It sure did mine!

And Colette with her beautiful red hair, and her stunning dress, how could you not smile at that breathtaking bride?!

After Lane and Colette became husband and wife, I swept them away to the apple orchard nearby for their portraits. Though buggy on that hot September day, it was the perfect spot to spend some time with them and their sweet bridal party.

Lane and Colette, as you have entered this new season of life, I pray you have many years of a sweet, healthy, and fun marriage. May you always put Christ first and serve each other before yourselves.

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Brubaker!

Vendors: Photographer Kristen // Hair Johanna // Church Richfield Life Ministries// Flowers & Catering done by bride and family