“Ally, I think it’s time we do a few serious faces.”

*Insert sudden serious face here*

Fun fact about Luke, he’s the master of going from smiling to a VERY serious face in no more than .2 seconds.

Really. It’s faster than you can blink.

It also MAY cause the photographer (me!) to laugh REALLY hard when he pulls this trick out of his back pocket. Literally hysterical!

Ally, however, finds serious faces actually very funny, and it makes her laugh! Ally masters the smiles while Luke crushes the serious face.

Actually, Luke ALSO crushes the smiles too– but it’s wildly impressive to see the sudden change, without hesitation.

Ally and Luke chose to have their engagement session at Longwood Gardens on a perfect, fall, Friday evening; about nine months before the pair would unit in marriage.

What I quickly learned about these two was that not only was their bond tight, but their family’s bond was also tight! Not just like Ally’s family is close knit and Luke’s family is close knit. No, like together. They are all friends! These two families weren’t going to be pulled together just because of Luke and Ally’s love; they are already together because of friendship. What a special and unique bond to have, two families who already love each other.

Ally and Luke, thank you for choosing such a beautiful location for your engagement session, and for allowing me to capture these precious moments in your lives!

Your smiles are contagious, your hearts are so kind, and your love is sweet.

July 20, 2024, will soon be here, and I’m so excited to see you two start a beautiful marriage together! Over these next nine months, enjoy each moment in your wedding planning process, and don’t forget to laugh together, a lot.