On Sunday, June 11, 2023 Corbin & Brianna’s Intimate Wedding was held in Selinsgrove at the Greensmith Flower Farm.

“For better or for worse. And in sickness and in health.”

It was when those words were spoken that everyone there felt the depth and the weight of them, in a way most don’t, on a wedding day.

I had to wipe my own eyes.

The emotion, the heaviness, the reality behind those two sentences were very real for Bri and Corbin.

The reality is; Bri has been living out these vows long before her wedding day.

A lot of woman would run, but not Bri. Bri clung to Corbin. And Corbin to Brianna. And both, to their sweet boys.

That’s what love is. Love is being there for the other person when life get’s really, really, stinking difficult. When the tears fall. When the diagnosis is unknown. When the hands tremble with uncertainty. When the world suddenly seems to stop spinning.

Corbin and Brianna, your love for each other is an encouragement in my own life, and to so many others. Watching you two love and carry each other through this season of unknowns, is a testament to your faithfulness to each other.

The selflessness you both display, and the sacrifices you make for your sons is evident to anyone who is near you.

Cash and Colesen have an amazing set of parents who get to demonstrate how to love another person. Though not perfectly all of the time, unconditionally, all of the time.

Corbin and Bri, may you have many many wonderful years together. Continue to put the other person first, and raise two incredible sons who will, one day, go on to love their spouses well as they have learned through the years, from you both.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Detail shots
Shoes, rings, necklaces
Father walking daughter down aisle

The Creative Team: Venue & Flowers The Greensmith

Hair Color: Skyler

Hair Style: Brie Fye

Makeup & Lashes: Nikki Stahl

Nails: Katrina Guinter