The story started back in high school.

The host and the busser.

But guess who was who?

Husband and wife maternity photos

To clarify, the host was interested in the busser, well before the busser was interested in the host!

In fact, she pushed him off and he was persistent.

January 31st of 2020, they made this thing official.

Aven would tell you that their first date resulted in him twisting his ankle numerous times, and they have YET to return to the Sunbury ice skating rink. Truly, I don’t blame you, Aven! My ankles hurt just thinking about it! BUT I bet if that little baby girl asked her daddy to go ice skating, you may just cave! (I have a sneaky suspicion she is going to have you WRAPPED around her finger!)

Momma to be admiring her baby in her belly

But, a twisted ankle while ice skating wasn’t enough to scare him off. March of 22,’ Aven and Becca said “I do” before Aven would head off to boot camp for the US Army. Aven, thank you for your service.

Daddy kissing momma's belly

Becca, you are a glowing momma to be. It’s clear that you already love your little girl immensely, and you’re quite excited to welcome her into this world! The way you look down at that sweet little baby growing in your belly warms this momma’s heart, so SO much.

Sunset maternity photo

From one momma to another, soak in all of the moments. Everyone tells you “it just goes by soooo fast.” And truly, it does! From that very first cry as she’s placed in your arms, to the shriek of a little girl who just received her favorite toy for her birthday, every. single. moment. flies. by.

Motherhood is one of God’s most special gifts to us, and you will be blessed by your daughter and the gift she is to you. I’m confident that you are also, a gift to her.