Tim and Kerrie’s Engagement

Tim and Kerrie’s Engagement session was held at Rickett’s Glen on August 19, 2023 just before the sun began to set.

To Kerrie’s surprise, she learned a new fun fact about her future husband. I could sum this one up with one word— quarters.

Who would have thought that Tim’s many minutes of balancing quarters would come in handy during his engagement session?? Not Kerrie. And not I.

But I can truly say, I’m thankful for this hidden talent that Tim possessed. It came in VERY handy when balancing Kerrie’s engagement ring on a completely flat park bench. I don’t think there was ANY doubt in Kerrie’s mind that she should marry Tim, but the ring balancing skill may have sealed the deal; entirely! (HA!) Really. It was quite impressive.

It was a beautiful night for Tim and Kerrie’s engagement session as we hiked down to the 94′ waterfall. Standing near the rushing water made it just slightly tricky to prompt them for posing. But, luckily for me, these two are madly in love. They made it easy for me to capture a few special moments while they shared some sweet moments together. While screaming out prompts overtop of a huge waterfall MAY have been possible, it would have been MUCH less sweet.

One of my favorite things about these evenings is hearing my couples’ stories. Tim and Kerrie’s are one of those, “wait— how are we just NOW meeting?!,” stories. And I LOVE hearing about it. Kerrie and Tim got to meet each other when the time was right. Not years before even though they easily could have, but in perfect time; that’s when their love story started. And while their love story has already begun, and they have experienced and seen 35 states together THIS YEAR ALONE *insert jaw-drop here, * Tim and Kerrie have SO much to look forward to as they soon become husband and wife. These two are inspiring, and from a girl who LOVES to travel, they may have sparked the “travel bug” in me, again.

May you two always choose to laugh together, to love each other with your whole hearts, to put each other before yourselves, and travel wherever you dream of; forever and ever.

I can’t wait to spend your day with y’all in just over one year!

August 20, 2023

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